1 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE Duties of All Staff ● Staff Action on Discovering Smoke/Fire ● Raise the alarm by breaking the glass on red fire alarm call point. ● Attempt to fight the fire with equipment available, but only if trained to do so. ● Staff Action on Hearing the Fire Alarm ● Leave the building immediately, and direct visitors and students via nearest available exit. ● Do not wait to establish whether it is a false alarm. ● Do not stop to collect belongings. ● Close all doors behind you and where practical and possible, Do not run or shout - this can cause panic. ● Do not take risks. ● Do not return to the building for any reason until authorised to do so by the Fire Safety Manager. ● Report to Assembly Point. Duties of the Fire Safety Manager ● First point of contact for onsite Emergency Services during all incidents. ● Prepare and implement an emergency plan, and keep it updated. ● Review safety procedures and fire precautions, which shall include the undertaking of an annual fire risk assessment. ● Carry out fire drills at least twice each academic year. ● Test the fire alarm every week. ● Ensure that all staff receive adequate training and instruction in emergency procedures. ● Appoint and train Fire Wardens, Assembly Point Officers. ● Ensure that the inspection and testing of fire alarm systems, fire equipment and portable appliances are carried out. ● Maintain records of all staff training, fire drills, fire alarm tests and fire protection equipment maintenance. ● Ensure that fire safety management systems are in place and effective. ● Maintain records of all staff training, fire drills, fire alarm tests and fire protection equipment maintenance. ● Ensure that fire safety management systems are in place and effective. ● Ensure that any minor works have not affected existing fire precautions. ● Procedure for caring for visitors and contractors.
2 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE ___________________________________________________________________ ● Keep records of any hazards, special risks and storage areas. ● Monitor ‘hot work’ such as plumbing and roofing. ● Establish, maintain and monitor a Housekeeping Policy. ● Ensure that the fire brigade is called for any fire related incidents. ● Call the fire brigade on hearing the fire alarm; do not assume the fire alarm has done this. ● On hearing the fire alarm, the Fire Safety Manager should dial 999 and request the fire brigade using the public phone system stating that there is a fire and the full address of the building. NB: Remember to remain on the phone until the Fire Brigade Control Officer has repeated all details to you. Duties of Fire Wardens/Marshals ● To monitor the fire precautions for their nominated floor/area. ● To act as a focal point for their floor/area. ● To liaise with the Fire Safety Manager as appropriate. ● To assist with the evacuation procedures. ● Ensure that their nominated floor/area is cleared in the event of a fire. This includes bathrooms and kitchens. ● Notify the Assembly Point Officer of any missing persons or that their nominated floor/area is cleared. ● All reasonable steps should be taken to ensure their duties are carried out, however it is not the responsibility of fire wardens to force people to leave; only to inform them they should do so and to report the presence of persons in their pre-determined area, to the Assembly Point Officer. On no account should a fire warden risk endangering their safety. Fire wardens must not enter an area where fire or smoke is detected or suspected. Provided that the alarm has been activated, then the responsibility of the individual is to evacuate without hesitation. Duties of the Assembly Point Officer ● Coordinate the evacuation. ● Receive reports from the fire wardens. ● Liaise with the Fire Safety Manager, who is in overall charge. Other Individuals Disabled Persons ● The safe evacuation of disabled persons in the event of a fire will depend on the type of disability (i.e. wheelchair bound, impaired hearing or sight etc.). In the case of a member of staff with a disability, the fire safety manager will decide on the best method of evacuation and a member of staff will be nominated to provide assistance to the disabled member of staff. If the disabled person is a visitor or member of the public, it is the responsibility of all members of staff to assist in evacuating them.
3 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE ___________________________________________________________________ ● In the event that there is a person with mobility difficulties who may require assistance, allow other persons to evacuate first to prevent a delay in the evacuation procedure, except of course where it is considered this person(s) would be in immediate danger. ● It is the HR department’s responsibility to advise the Fire Safety Manager of any staff with disabilities. Following that, the Fire Safety Manager will decide before the start date on the method of evacuation and nominate a person to assist with evacuation. Training or special drills may also be needed. These plans should be reviewed annually. Contractors ● Outside contractors should be made aware of the fire procedures for the building. ● Where contractors are working within the normally occupied areas it will be the responsibility of the fire warden to ensure they have evacuated. ● Where contractors are working in other areas i.e. roof, plant room etc. special arrangements will be made by the Fire Safety Manager. Visitors ● All visitors need to report to reception and sign in and sign out on their departure. ● Visitors must be accompanied at all times by a member of staff. This is for both safety reasons as well as for those of security. ● It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that accompanied visitors follow the fire procedures of the building. HOUSEKEEPING ● While fire safety matters are the overall responsibility of the Fire Safety Manager, all members of staff must contribute by ensuring that: ● Exit routes and stairways remain free from obstruction and combustible storage. ● Fire alarm call points and firefighting equipment remain free from obstruction. ● Work areas are kept tidy and all combustible waste is disposed of. ● Any fire risks e.g. faulty wiring or equipment overloaded sockets etc. are identified to the Fire Safety Manager. HAZARDS AND SPECIAL RISKS The following rooms are considered as having a higher risk ● Ground floor offices. ● Cleaners cupboard. ● Server room. ● Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the building or on the premises. This includes both courtyards and the front vaults.
FIRE ALARM PANEL LOCATION: at ground floor near disabled toilet.
Fire Alarm Panel CFP
Turn Key to the right to access panel;
Digit 2143 Press Silence Button (RED;
Press Reset Button (Green);
Turn key back to centre.
FIRE ALARM PANEL LOCATION: at first floor within lobby to fire escape.
FIRE ALARM PANEL LOCATION: at ground floor near pizza counter towards window.
FIRE ALARM PANEL LOCATION: at ground floor behind till, inside a cabinet.
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